
Here's how i think you can gain control when you feel like you have none: Shift the locus of control.  Sometimes it's as simple as recognizing that there are things that you can change and control. What can you actually change? Be realistic. One person can't single handedly change the economy, but, perhaps there are things you can do to ensure you stay financially sound. Such as being a smart consumer, saving, and investing wisely. Put the dynamite out before it explodes.  People often find themselves in tough situations and dread facing someone, whether a loved one, friend, or colleague. Maybe a huge mistake was made at work that cost the company money. Perhaps poor judgment was used and it hurt a friend. Naturally you avoid them. This tactic will keep you free of conflict; however, at an unconscious level it will eat away at you and lead to chronic stress and anxiety. The solution: face it. Rather than passively dealing with the situation, take control and